The Stove With Its Hands
Until today, the garden precinct gave you only vegetables and fruit? Now we're gonna be able to bake and aromatic flea bread and a crispy pizza. Using affordable construction materials, a domestic specialist is well placed to develop the garden bread furnace on the proposed plan very quickly. This job will take a few days off. If you're going to change the project, use the article-written councils and take into account the specified designs of the oven.
When the garden oven is heated, it can reach 500 °C. This means that doors, smokescreen, base of the cap, elements in the underground space shall be light and hot. Before the building garden oven It would be useful to consult with the fire safety specialists and discuss the most appropriate location of the new site.
The sealed mange is filled with minerals, sealed with thermal resistant silicone composition, which will protect against atmospheric rainfall into the underground of the pipe through the roof. In addition, 10 cm in width shall be derogated from between the chimney and the burning components of the roof structure. The window closes the stainless steel profile.
A great characteristic of such design is the presence between the furnace and the surface of the pavement of at least 20 cm filled with thermal insulation. At the bottom of the trail, the braces are attached to the top plugs, and then they are sewn by boards outside.
The burnt clay is accumulating heat for the baking. The lining of a negligent keramsit with a layer of about 10 cm above the top, coupled with a mineral watt, protects the roof against overheating, increases the heat-cumulant stove capacity and ensures the optimum temperature for the drying.
The total weight of the top and roof kiln can reach 400 kg. Such a building requires a truly solid and reliable foundation. The role of the foundation here is played by the pavements laid on the sand pillow. They are then placed in one row of bricks, where the carcasing structure is constructed from the interconnected foams and cut-offs with a 90-x90 mm section.
The connecting stitches from the pre-set blocks are filled with champot solution. The edges of the parts connected to the solution shall be pre-emptively wiped from the dust with a slightly wet rag.
The undercover wooden bar is a strong heating bar and protects the flame-resistant thermal insulation plates 80 mm inside the worm, and the roof sheets are 30 mm thick.
Because of the heat coming from the top, the front end on the side of the stove door is set from the gas cell blocks by a tyre of 5 cm and stacked by a thin tiles.
Any wooden design that is open to the sky requires protection against mushrooms, insects, rotting. Not an exception to a garden bake that uses wooden elements in the design or separation. Wood-producing details need to be treated with anti-septics before dyeing.

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