Обустройство участка своими

Setting Up The Site With His Hands

Самостоятельное обустройство дачного участкафотоIt's always hard for a starter to set up a landing area and plant his first garden. What should we do at the beginning? How do you place a house, overcrowded buildings, garden crops and green saturation in a limited space? How do we make the vegetables on the road enjoy high yields? This article will help you answer these questions.

План дачного участкаDay plan

The construction of a long-distance site usually starts with a plan that is best made in a special programme or paper. Plan-to-schemicals on the scale of the size of the plots have economic structures, house, future and existing saturation.

Example of a 6-bed long-distance plot: 1 home; 2 Garage; 3 Hoz. Palace; 4 rest space; 5 lawn, clumbium; 6 palady; 7 landings; 8 gardens; 9 gardens

There's gonna be a house on the plot.Обустройство дачного участка фото The house usually has a facade to the carriageway, leaving a small lane of land for the palad.

The second important paragraph is the determination of the location of the supernatural and recreational sites. Rest space may include a conversation, altinary, patio. It is also possible to plant a lawn, a flower, decorative trees and handicrafts, that is what you prefer.

It's very decoration of the water field, be it pond, stream or fountain.Надворные постройки Seeing "living" water, hearing her spike, enjoying the cold in summer heat is expensive. So if there's any chance, you'll have to make a water. It will become a real " site attraction " and will also create a favourable microclimate.

It is advisable to segregate fruit trees, vegetables and groundnuts when planned and subsequently planted, given their need for lighting.

A memory: It is important that the altitude of plants increase from the south to the north. I mean, trees need to be located on the north side of the site, and vegetables and groundmen on the south.

Eggs, pears, high-grown trees are the best to land from the northwest, northeast. Mid-sized species are berry brass, plums, cherry can be arranged between apples and pears. And on the south side, it'll be good to feel like tomatoes, peppers, bachelors and earth plantations.


The garden and garden can be formed in one of the two main styles: regular (geometric) or landscape (natural).

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