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The Street With Your Hands

What kind of question is, what's in the house, buying or smashing itself? I suggest a simple design of a small brick furnace that can easily be laid with its hands. And it won't take too long, even if you don't have special skills.

The sand covers an area of 0.4 square metres from a brick placed on the rib or plate. It's nice to give and keep the heat. The weight of the furnace is not so big, so you can get around without the foundation, but the floor for it should be from a thick board and well fixed on the ground.

This furnace can be an alternative, it is more functional, combined with a barrel (e.g. stove) and a heating (e.g. smoke) can also act as a fire (eating a smoke tooth).

The fire goes very fast and starts work in the morning, it's possible to run a test run. But for starters, only cheeks and paper can be flooded, but not podiums, because the temperatures don't deflect the final solution of the lining can go through cracks. And this will create an extra air pump or, therefore, before normal operation of the furnace, it's time to dry in about a week.

For the intended location of the furnace, we shall lay a polyethylene film, rojoid, hydroisol or pergamine of 780x530 mm.

We're gonna put on a flat tiles and compare the layer of dry sand with a thickness of about 1 cm.

Then we put the first row of the 12 bricks on the sand without stiffing. A number equals by level, it must be clearly horizontal.

There is a thin layer of clay on the top and there is a subtle door that is wrapped by wet asbestos potatoes or shoe. The door shall be fixed with wire and the second row shall be placed.

The third row is placed from a champoo brick, and a bulb belt is placed above the basement immediately after the formation of the row.

The fourth row is a brick placed on the rib, and inside the chimney, we set up the inner partitions. The bricks of the rear wall shall be stored without a clay with a slight outwardness (brick bricks).

There's a clear door ahead. It needs to be wrapped up in front of the installation by a few asbestos plugs so that it can open from the bottom up. The door shall be fixed with wire and shall be fixed temporarily by two bricks (one placed at the back of the floor, the other placed on it and the door on top).

See also:
  • https://www.aestroi.com строительство частных домов.
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