Stone Mangal
You must've noticed once: it's only time to start looking at the inspiring languages of the flames, how care and anxiety move, and problems like fire. It's particularly nice to be around the fire under the open sky. It is likely for these reasons that many lucky people find a place and an opportunity to set a garden oven on the site.
For their purpose, street or garden ovens may be divided into the following groups:
- incinerators;
- for cooking;
- Decorative, designed to create a cozy atmosphere;
- combined, performing several functions at the same time: for example, to steal gardens and cook food.
Burn unnecessary
Dumpsters and winds are known to virtually all gardeners. Although the law prohibits the creation of costrates and the burning of debris, the sinking of the garden furnace with branches and leaflets is not retrieved. The cutest cod shall be made from an empty steel bar with openings for the air pump. It's true they have a very small life. It's 2 to 3 seasons. A longer-term orchard for the incineration of winds is produced from an old gas cylinder. Although... you should think a few times before you keep polluting the atmosphere of your and your neighbor's plots with smoke and smoke.
Maybe it's better to get a hammer for the wind.
The street furnaces of various designs that allow open fire or coal to be cooked are popular. Brick, stone or metal manhales are most commonly used without rooftops where meat or vegetables are roasted or fed by radius (infrared) energy from coals.
On the same principle, grills work: food in them is cooked in bars with sufficient distance over the flame. This kind of culinary treatment is very mature and creates a climate of rest and holiday.
There are closed mangalls where food is cooked like in the oven: not only because of the heat from the coals, but also because of the convenience of hot air. In this case, the coals are not placed under the dish, but outside it. A tray prepared in a convection manga is often placed with a water foil to prevent drying. The cook that produces meat in the convection manga is free from the need to switch meat frequently and to ensure that it does not burn on the one hand.
stone Mangal with big Productivity. Photo: From personal archives/ Andrei DuchnikShare this Post
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