Вытяжка для мангала

Mangal Extraction

вытяжкиToday, no modern food cooking device, whether a stove, a furnace or a mangall, can go without a piece like extraction.

In the case of kitchens, extraction is necessary for air purification, primarily from carbon dioxide, which is emitted during combustion; and from food odours, which, in case of poor ventilation, will last very long in the kitchen and nearby rooms, feeding walls and clothing.

Equipment Mangal and barbecue extraction is necessary as a safety element, in which case it plays the role of smoke extraction. It's no secret that the smoke formed by the combustion of the coals is poisonous for the man. Many of us know and remember that long standing next to an open mangall without a stretch is just not possible, it starts to get a headache in a while and the clothes stink.

We're gonna help you get, design and make--- an extract for the Mangal, Barbecue, the kitchen, the smoke, the valve, taking into account all the technical and operational features of your system, like the kitchen, the street seal, the grill.

It's not the last thing that plays the extraction design. As you wish, we are prepared to make any form, style and form. It should be noted that, in recent years, media outlets are popular, and they have greater durability and infinite beauty.

When you come to us, you'll end up getting a specially manufactured product for you. Which will be an integral part of the interior where your family, loved ones and friends will gather. CUHONE ELECTION - A device to purify the air from burning, evaporation, odours from the food preparation process.

The presence of carbon dioxide in the air, which is emitted from both gas and electric kilns, can affect self-reliance and health.

Extract description

Domestic dry extracts consist of shells, ventilation aggregates, mechanical or electronic control remotes and filters, consisting of thermally persistent and durable non-refrigerating, emalated materials.

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