Мангалы, тандыры и барбекю


Even in the very words of the tandar, there is a lot of friendly warmth and the stern exotic of the East. There's nothing surprising about this: from time immemorial to our days, the tandar is a permanent satellite for the lives of the people of the East. A good tandarmer will feed and heated, put joy and fun in the shower, help bring the dream closer and succeed. It might be hard for you to believe, but we're willing to prove it through the facts. So...

16 years of work in numbers:

- More than 100,000 happy Tandyrov Amphora!

♪ Amphora Tandes were delivered to over 250 Russian cities!

♪ Amphora has over 200 dealers and permanent customers in the FS, CIS, Europe!

♪ Amphora Tandes were delivered to clients in 19 countries of the world!

- 4, 5 million kilograms of meat are fire in the Amphora Tandyras by the modest calculations!

♪ Amphora and her dealers were involved in over 500 exhibitions!

♪ More than 1,000 videos on the Amphora Tandyra!

To date, we are pleased to bring to your attention the 13 names of tanders and more than 40 names of accessories!

Many modern tanders have not only utilitarian but also artistic qualities. Some articles on the outside can be equated with works of art: their surface is decorated by a warm ornament and by ovary elements; such tandarmes are happy with eyes and heart. Working on every tander, we're thinking warmth about you, people for whom the tandar will be a pleasant gift and an irreplaceable assistant in the preparation of admirable dishes!

Legend of invention

In a number of countries, the subject is differently referred to: for example, in Armenia, “tonir” and in India, “tandur”. Legend says the tandy stove invented the shepherds named Tandyr, who watched the tulips for a long time. The young man noticed that the night-closing flowers give shelter to many insects, protecting them from the cold. The pasture of the regular clay was blinded by a large bouton and burned inside the fire. When the fire burned, the bouton became solid, the glina turned into a stone. In the improvised tulip, Tandyr cooked his food and kept her hot for a long time. When he returned to his homeland and was making gliny tandyes, the young man was very rich and became a respected man.

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