Оренбург: Камины, мангалы

Barbecue Areas

Устраиваем сад в соответствии с правилами фен-шуй: подробный разбор каждой зоныThe reading of nature and its perception as a part of the human being had previously been manifested in the language religions. But in Slavic countries, the Dominican religions have long been extinguished. The Chinese continue to believe that any tree, grass and pencil can influence human fate by giving him positive energy or, on the contrary, by taking part in life. Harmony between human beings and nature is the name of geomantics, and by its laws Tibetan monks live. There's only one branch of geomantic in the west, a shui fan. It's the direction of building a man's personal space, his house, the precinct, and even the wardrobe.Деление участка на зоны It is believed that the garden of the Shoes helps a man to live in happiness, attracts the necessary energy (loves, fame, etc.). And the harder you get every corner of space, the faster you pursue your goals.

The garden may affect the inner world of the master, even if it simply watches it from the window. He feeds the owners of life energy different from the season: winter is calm, spring is energetic, summer joy, fall is enough.

The best garden is the one whose shape resembles a rectangle or square and has a flat surface. Holmes, wallows, pits and irregular shapes prevent direct movement of life energy, detaining it and isolating it from the owners.Зона мудрости If your garden does not fall within the definition of " ideal " , all minus can be corrected by correctly planted plants, small architectural forms, waterfalls, etc.

The Chinese garden is considered to be a single organism, which only works correctly when it has all life systems and is interlinked. All zones in the garden must be 9.

In order to break the area into these areas, you have to be right outside the garden entrance so that it becomes completely in front of the eyes. The first page of the zones that will be in front of a man is the zones of the Hopeful Friends, the Careers and the Mudrosty. Children, Tai Qi and the family are in the second line. And on the opposite side of the site, there is room for the Slave, Richness and Human Relations Zones. Every one of them needs to be properly designed to keep her energy in the garden.

It's not easy to plan the filling of each sector first on paper. To this end, we need to take a piece of paper and cut a figure corresponding to the parameters of your section. For example, your land is 70 m long and 50 m wide, so cut off such a rectangle by taking millimetres per unit. Now break it to nine regular parts, three in a row. And sign every sector that's got its name.

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