Stone Mangalls
Ducha-- someone has this word associated with a job in the rig or caring for trees, someone with pure air, but a predominant majority with shags. It's hard to imagine a better vacation than visiting a big, noisy company and hanging out with a shuffle. It's the mangall we want to light this material because it's not very hygienic and useful to heat meat on bricks or sticks. In fact, we believe that the gambling is like a modern teenager's life without the Internet, but it's not the same effect.
A total of three main types of long-distance manhales are mobile, portable and stationary. We'll consider each of them in more detail:
Mobile mangall, or whatever it is called a warehouse, is best suited to those who like to travel and want to use the mangall not only for the day, but also for other trips.
Mobility and weight, as well as a very attractive price, are considered to be the main advantages of the warehouse. In the same way, he reminds me of a small suitcase that you can easily leave in the car or even take a bike with him. But the less weight it weighs, the thiner the material, from which the flaws arise: small heating capacity and combustion potential. So, buying a mobile mangall, you have to be ready for his pretty quick identification.
The most popular and popular is portable mangall.
This one. Mangal type It's more solid and reliable. If necessary, two persons (wishly men) may, without difficulty, move it from one place to another, such as closer to the sun, or further from the rain. The portable manhal is more expensive than the warehouse, but at the same time and longer, its life cycle is measured not once but by seasons. There's only a weakness, not a very sophisticated appearance. Frequently, people want to make a genuinely exquisite place for a mangal to go to school, which is the best thing for a stationary mangal.
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