Мангал из металла своими

Manga Barbecue From Metal

Мангал для дачиWith warm days coming, many of us go to shackles. As a rule, any company has a responsibility for making this dish, but one brand-new recipe will not cost. The right-handed mangall also affects the quality and taste of the culinary masterpiece.

Mangal ' s main function is meat cooked on coals. There are a number of designs that can produce the cohabited dish with the same success.Разборный мангал The difference is only the thickness of the metal from which the mangalo is made, the price and the ability to transport it.

Ready sample manhals

There are so-called " sparkling "one-time manhales" which may be purchased in any major supermarket or gift shop. This unreliable design is a rectangular box of thin sheets of metal attached to the thin legs of the metal with several openings for more or less even oxygen access to coal. It's not very uncomfortable with the heat. In addition, the thin metal from high temperatures burns fast. But if you've been picking shags for just a few times in the summer, it's a good mangall, because it's easy to make and comfortable in transport.

It's very uncommon for our mentality to look like aluminum folg. There's coal in the layers, there's a metal grid and a supply. According to the instructions, such a mangall must withstand the burning of three to four kilograms of meat, but it is likely to be designed to make sausages or chicken wings, which is very weak at first sight.

Металлический мангал Каменный мангал Встроенный мангал Навес для мангала
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