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Summer Kitchen Projects

Летняя кухня своими рукамиMany dormitories and suburban houses prefer to cook fresh air, for example, in mangala, barbecue or wood stoves, during warm seasons. And then when you put it in a conversation, it's good to have dinner in the family circle.

The summer kitchen project plays a very important role in making comfort and cozy at home, according to which it is then built. For example, it should include maximum elements so that the cooking process is convenient and simple.

Summer kitchens: photos and projects

Какие элементы должны присутствовать на летней кухниA well-designed and reproduced summer kitchen project, including a conversation, a mangal or a barbecue, as well as a well-established water source, will make it hard for you to cook your favorite dishes and not to run there or anywhere during cooking. For example, some kitchen facilities on the street can be built:

  • dish;
  • tool boxes;
  • and other parts of the kitchen.

On the Internet, you can easily find photos of projects and ready summer kitchens for gambling and country houses. Many of them are equipped with the necessary facilities. The installation and separation of such a facility can be ordered by the construction company or executed independently. In such a case, all rules for the construction of an object such as a summer kitchen should be monitored.

Elements of the summer kitchen

The most common summer kitchen project is an option with built-in barbecue furnace or manhal. It may also be equipped with a gas or electric furnace. Frequently, the summer kitchen is built in a structured conversation based on light structures. Such a conversation can easily be held with its own hands and the cost of collecting it will be minimal.

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