Greel Mangal Barbecue Copper 4
In kit two.
Every trip to the picnic, tour, to the forest is accompanied by a shoe. It is a permanent natural recreational ritual. Burning of meat, fish, vegetables on coal is compulsory attribution of the peri-urban stack. And for that, you're gonna need a mangal or a barbecue. In fact, these devices, whose names are drawn from different languages, serve the sole purpose of cooking in the open air. No barrels on which the meat is undone, it's accepted to call Mangalaand the barbecue roasts wear barbecue names.
The word of the mangall came to us from the Middle East and means the heat. They have it in the form of a copper cup with wide fields and a lid with two handcuffs. We have a tradition of mangall calling every device for coal in the form of a metal box on legs. The current (air flow) shall be created by openings on both sides of the lower part of the box.
Barbecue is otherwise referred to as " cyrpic manhal "fixed manhal" stone mangall " , " stationary street shashberry " , " street fire " and even " siege grill " .
Mangalls and barbecue may be fixed, designed to be planted in the fields, orchards, peri-urban houses, and prefabricated transport and transport facilities.
Mangala and barbecue. may differ by type of fuel for which they are calculated, although the most popular is coal heat.
We offer various options for ready exclusive manhales and barbecue. The main difference between our mangala-barbecu- segment design. This removes the surface fragment without significantly increasing the thickness of the metal used. The sealing properties of the devices and their functionality will be maintained throughout the life cycle.
All components of the barbecue of the heated coptill shall be made of special fireproof materials. As a result, we can guarantee the quality of our products, the mangall allows the use not only of coal, but also of wood without restrictions throughout the life cycle.
Although mangalo is stationary, it is easily disposed of at the time of storage, fits in the box of its stack and does not occupy many places in the vault.
Today, the purchase of a handful is not a special job, but its choice can be stopped on a separate form and design.
Stationary manners - Barbecue is usually used for the countryside houses, the gals, street cafes and restaurants. They may be equipped with fuel tanks, dishwashers, a separate device for a coal mine.
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