
How To Make Bricks

If you want a future brick manga to welcome you for not one year, you just need to take care of his base. Otherwise, you'll lose time and money for the material used.

What should be the size of the foundation is directly dependent on the design dimensions of the building. If it's necessary to make it easier to build a brick with your hands, you can watch videos and photos of the instructions on our website. It's quite likely that they will help you quickly with any task.

Okay, first we need to dig the quote. Then, at the edges of the pit, put a deck in it, put a concrete in it and bury a stove.Мангал из кирпича своими руками All this building needs to be left alone for two weeks until it's completely cold.

Well, after the foundation is completely overthrown, we can start building a gangala. with your hands.

How do you build a brick mangall with your hands?

As a matter of fact, you're not going to need any drawings and diagrams to make a brick manga himself. The only thing they need is for building materials. They are the following list:

Thermo resistant brick (as the main element);

Мангал из кирпича своими руками Мангал из кирпича своими руками Мангал из кирпича своими руками Мангал из кирпича своими руками
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